Ryan Scott's HypnoBirthing Birth Story in Richmond, VA

Photography by https://www.photographybynicolejohnson.com/
I never wanted kids. They weren’t in my plan and I was adamant that I would never be a mom. However life had other plans. My fiancé and I conceived while on vacation in Abu Dhabi. A place where birth control is not smiled upon at airport security. When I found out I was pregnant, I had a second of elation before reality hit me. That second of joy is why I chose to keep my baby. I knew this was going to be a one-time thing and I wanted to make sure I did it my way.
I immediately knew I wanted a natural child birth. I did all the research, read all the mommy blogs, and knew it was what I wanted. What I didn’t know was the backlash I was going to get. I was not prepared for the horror stories, lack of support, and insults I received. When I told my OB/GYN of my decision she responded with the 3 conditions for which she will “force” an epidural on a mommy-to-be. I loved my doctor but I knew this was not the environment best suited for my birth. That’s when I found Embrace birth center. I had the perfect location, with the perfect midwives. What was I missing? Support.
I was the first in my family to choose natural child birth. I was called stupid, crazy, nuts, ridiculous, and a hippy. I’m a social worker at social services. I hear the ‘what could go wrong’ stories every day. I am far from crazy and not even close to being a hippy. I needed support and even those with the best of intentions would inadvertently put their foot in their mouth.
That’s where hypnobirthing came into play. My midwife recommended the class and I signed up for the next available. I believe hypnobirthing is like a lot of things in life. You take what you want from it and leave the rest. Hypnobirthing not only prepared me for birth, but it helped me be more assertive in the final phase of my pregnancy. My fiancé and I took the standard hospital class and learned all about how babies are born and nothing about what to do during the birth. I did not hypnotize myself. I didn’t labor in complete silence. I had the exact birthing experience I wanted. While no one can you tell you what the pain is going to feel like, I was better prepared for what to do. I don’t think I would have been as successful as I was if I didn’t have the confidence I gained while in that class. There’s no judgment or insults, just a room full of like-minded people. Hypnobirthing isn’t just for the hippies. It’s a great resource no matter what type of birth you want.
If you are interested in HypnoBirthing in Richmond, VA please do not hesitate to contact me.
Joyful Birth Services also loves to offer Childbirth classes in Richmond, VA, Doula Support in Richmond, VA, Placenta Encapsulation in Richmond, VA, and Birth Photography in Richmond, VA
I am occasionally available for travel outside of my regular service area and I always enjoy collaborating with other birth professionals so please never hesitate to get in touch!