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Joy Kraynak is Joyful Birth Services in Richmond, VA

In the Spring of 2000 I birthed my daughter without chemical assistance after attending HypnoBirthing classes. It was not until many years later that I realized how HypnoBirthing transformed my birth experience and had a positive effect on the way that my birth expereince transformed me. In 2011 after numerous signs from the universe I was called to attend a HypnoBirthing Practitioner training. At this training it became clear that my life up until this point has been preparing me to do this work - this fascinating, challenging, exciting, life-affirming work that I love
The way we birth reverberates through our society and I am overflowing with gratitude for each and every family that allows me a role in their birth experience. Over the years I have worked with hundreds of families in and around Richmond, VA and my passion is teaching families how to prepare for the birth experience that they desire.
I am continuously learning and adjusting my services in order to best utilize my talents to serve our community. In addition to HypnoBirthing I am currently offering acupressure, labor support, birth photography, hypnosis, and other birth and parenting classes.
I want to emphasize that I am always very happy to talk with you about birth or any of my services. Please never hesitate to contact me if you are curious.
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